Based on the Financial Management Authority´s open data licence and the UK „Open government licence“ was taken into account.

Uses are encouraged to use and reuse the information made available under this license, subject to the following terms.

Use of information under this license

By using the material made available under this license (hereinafter referred to as the „Information“), you have agreed to the following terms and conditions.

Strætó bs. grants you indefinite permission to use the information without charge, and waves its potential exclusive right to distribute if you meet the conditions below.

This license does not affect the rights of users according to Chapter 2 of the Copyright Act no. 73/1972 on copyright restrictions.


 You have permission to:

  • copy, publish, distribute, and transmit the information,
  • adjust the information and
  • reuse the information for profit, for example by combining it with other information or by including the information as part of your product or software.

 When you do any of the above, you must:

  • state that the information is based on data from Strætó bs. with the following text: *Based on data from Strætó bs.* Reference should also be made to this license where possible.


Make sure that:

  • you do not use the information in a way that implies that you are in a public position or that the information provider specifically approves of you as a user or your use of the information;
  • you do not mislead others or disclose the information or identify its origin in a misleading or false manner;
  • your use of the information does not conflict with the Act on Data Protection and the Handling of Personal Data no. 77/2000 or Article 6 Freedom of Information Act on data that is exempt from the public’s right to information.

Failure to comply with these conditions automatically terminates your rights under this license.


This licence does not allow the use of:

  • personal information;
  • emblems of public bodies or coats of arms except where they can be considered an important part of the document or database;
  • the rights of third parties which Strætó bs. has no authorization to publish under this license;

No guaranty

Strætó bs. is excluded from representation, responsibility, obligations, and damages in relation to the information to the extent the law permit.

Strætó bs. shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage arising from its use. Strætó bs. does not guarantee continued access to the information.

Current law

This license is subject to the laws of the jurisdiction in which the information provider is domiciled unless otherwise stated by the information provider.


In this license the words below have the following meanings:

* *“Information“* means the information subject to copyright or database protection (for example, literary or artistic works, material content, data or software source code) released under the terms of this License.

* *“use“* as a verb, represents the performance of the actions covered by copyright or database protection, whether in the original medium or in any other medium and includes the limitation of distribution, reproduction, adaptation and modification that are technically necessary to use in any other way or in any other format.

* *“you“* represents an individual or legal entity or a group of such entities that receives the rights granted by the license.