Here you can find information about accessibility in Strætó buses.

Wheelchair access in the capital area

There is wheelchair access in all Strætó buses in the capital area.

  • Drivers should assist in lowering the ramp. However, the person using the wheelchair must be able to get on off the bus and securing the chair with the seat belt.
  • The back of the wheelchair must always face the front of the bus.
  • There is only space for one wheelchair on each bus.
  • Wheelchairs have a priority over bicycles on board citybuses.

Wheelchair access in the country side

There is no wheelchair access in the buses in the country side.

Blind people

Blind people travel for free on all Strætó bus routes.

A white cane,  Blindrafélag’s membership card or a specially marked and specially trained guide dog will grant free access.

Pant Shuttle service for the elderly and disabled

Pant shuttle service is based on an agreement between municipalities in the capital area.

Each municipality approves each user of the shuttle service and implements price structure for the service.

Applications are processed in each municipality. In Reykjavík, the application is sent to a service center (þjónustumiðstöð) in the district where the applicant lives.

In Garðabær, Seltjarnarnes and Mosfellsbær, an application is sent to the municipality’s social services, where the applicant is domiciled.