Single fares

For trips in the countryside, you can pay with debit or credit cards when you board bus, cash and Bus cards.

Now you can see all the prices in route planner here on the page or in Klappið by entering the starting point and destination and choosing a specific trip. Please note that the fare itself cannot be purchased in Klappið.

Vegagerðin (IRCA) owns and operates the provincial buses, while Strætó provides certain information and services for passengers.

Period cards

1 Month
RegionAdultsYouths, 12-17 years oldElderly, 67 years and older
Southern peninsula (Suðurnes)29.900 kr.14.950 kr.14.950 kr.
South Iceland29.900 kr.14.950 kr.14.950 kr.
West Iceland29.900 kr.14.950 kr.14.950 kr.
North Iceland19.900 kr.9.950 kr.9.950 kr.
Borgarbyggð8.0004.000 kr.4.000 kr.
East fjords19.900 kr.9.950 kr.9.950 kr.
3 Months
RegionAdultsYouths, 12-17 years oldElderly, 67 years and older
Southern peninsula (Suðurnes)74.750 kr. 37.375 kr. 37.375 kr.
South Iceland74.750 kr. 37.375 kr. 37.375 kr.
West Iceland74.750 kr. 37.375 kr. 37.375 kr.
North Iceland49.750 kr. 24.750 kr. 24.750 kr.
Borgarbyggð24.000 kr. 12.000 kr.12.000 kr.
East fjords49.750 kr. 24.750 kr. 24.750 kr.
12 Months
RegionAdultsYouths, 12-17 years oldElderly, 67 years and older
Suðurnes239.200 kr. 119.600 kr. 119.600 kr.
Suðurland239.200 kr. 119.600 kr. 119.600 kr.
Vesturland239.200 kr. 119.600 kr. 119.600 kr.
Norðurland159.200 kr. 79.200 kr. 79.200 kr.
Borgarbyggð96.000 kr.48.000 kr.48.000 kr.
Austfirðir159.200 kr. 79.200 kr. 79.200 kr.