Trips on route 52 are planned around arrivals and departures of Herjólfur ferry in Landeyjahöfn.

When Landeyjahöfn is closed

If Landeyjahöfn harbor is closed, route 52 will not drive further than Hvolsvöllur. If Herjólfur ferry sails to and from Þorlákshöfn, an extra bus marked Herjólfur will drive between Mjódd and Þorlákshöfn according to the following schedule:


Mjódd - Þorlákshöfn
Departure from Mjódd 09:00
Departure from Mjódd 18:00

The extra bus drives from Þorlákshöfn to Mjódd when all of Herjólfur’s passengers have left the ferry.