22. Dec 2021

Notum grímu ef ekki er unnt að tryggja 2. metra fjarlægð

A government regulation restricting meetings due to an epidemic (Reglugerð um takmörkun á samkomum vegna farsóttar) will take effect on Thursday 23 December 2021.

According to the regulation, Strætó is exempt from the maximum limit of 20 people and all passengers must wear a mask if they are not able to to ensure a two-meter social distance on board Strætó buses in the capital area and the countryside.

  • Strætó strongly recommends wearing a mask when traveling by public transport.
  • Customers are responsible for wearing a face mask in accordance with the current regulation.
  • People exempted from the obligation to wear a mask are individuals who do not have the understanding or maturity to wear a face mask correctly or are unable to do so for other reasons, such as health reasons. Children born in 2006 and younger are also exempt from wearing masks.
  • Face masks should cover the nose and mouth. Masks must meet the requirements set out by the Workshop Convention of the European Standards Association (CEN).
  • Don’t forget about hygiene and your personal disease control. Customers should not travel by public transport if they are displaying flu symptoms.

Protect yourself

  • Make sure you wash your hands with soap and water at regular intervals, and for at least 20 seconds each time. If you can’t access soap and water, use hand sanitizers – for example after paying for goods or touching surfaces like door knobs. This also applies to other surfaces in public places.
  • If you need to cough or sneeze, use the elbow pad or disposable cloth. This will prevent misting. Be careful not to cough or sneeze in direction of other people.
  • Limit close communication with other people, e.g. handshakes and hugs. Find other ways to greet people, that does not involve contact.
  • Try not to bring your hands up to your face, especially your eyes, nose and mouth.

Further information and the latest news about the COVID-19 epidemic in Iceland can be found on the website